berputar, mengikuti yang sudah ditetapkan


Two days before 2015 of year ending, I and my husband met our beloved friend in Tokyo. He was our classmate in the master degree. He is an adult, a charming man, and a stranger. What strange? Sometimes he screamed to his computer when he couldn’t find icons he wanted on the MS Excel or became angry if he lost his MS Word file just because he forgot to save it before switch off the computer the day before. All students couldn’t ignore his thunder coming to their ears. But, believe me, he is fulfilled of touchable life stories which storm my heart.


S for Storm and the Savior


Human life does not always come  to the happiness, luckiness, and warmness. But it also comes to the sadness, loneliness, and hopeless. He has, I have, and maybe you have. When we told our hopeless experiences each other, our tears came out. No, it’s not because the experiences were too hurt to be talked, but because we are saved by The Almighty. We are so thanking God. We are re-born through the experiences.

Sometimes, I feel that I have been enough with my victory. So, I give suggestions about life to friends here and there. Till this my dearest friend said, “私はバカですから、神様私のことをたくさん使ってください” (I’m so stupid, God. So please use me as You like.) His thunder that time altered to be a storm to my heart. This humble man reminds me that we passed one cliff of our life. And now we are climbing the mountain so that we can see all the reasons why and how we were falling down. It’s not for making us to be the best human being, but we are asked to prepare our selves if we find another cliffs in the future.

He didn’t give me any advice or suggestion or something that I do to other friend. But he said, “Human life is like this,” he moved his hand shaping mountains and cliffs continuously. “Those times will come,” he added.

God, I give up to You. Please, use me as You like.

Spirit of 2016, spirit to be re-born

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This entry was posted on January 6, 2016 by in Special.