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Required and mine


It is almost one year I spent my PhD life in Hokkaido Univ. (HU). I found a change on myself. In this memo, I’ll try to summary it.

A paper exam, presentation of master work, and interview were the ways to enter PhD in HU. I was really confidence to pass all the exams. In the result, I did. Further, my Professor told me that my paper result had highest satisfaction. Then, my confidence immediately grew up. Tell you frankly, I felt that I’m intellegent.

Being among students of HU, I realize that they are so smart. They can respond a question carefully and in detail. And maybe exactly. I, who is weak on math, always be panic if I have to face up dilution, solution concentration, molarity, etc. However, they can explain to me easily. They’re intelligent? Yes, they are. Tell you frankly, I know that I’m not as smart as I though. Deep inside of my hearth, however, I believe if I get common with this work, I will act the same ^^ (a confidence)

HU is a big famous university in Japan. In my opinion, the university require intelligence, motivation, and confidence to the students equally. The level maybe 80 or 90 in percentage. In the first time I entered HU, I though my intelligence was around 70%. A year interact with the real smart students and teachers insist me to honestly say that I just have 35% of intelligence (please find that I was wrong to write “intelligence” word). This condition, although, will never push me down. My confidence to study grows up because I’m motivated by them. I want to be able to explain as well. I also want to be able to think and be expert on my work as well. You know, my confidence is 20% higher than the required level.

For me, intelligence is important. In my case, as long as I am motivated enough and stay being confidence on myself, I will be able to.

yes, I will

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This entry was posted on February 3, 2018 by in Special.